Title: “Me Before You” Author: Jojo Moyes Publishing house: Pamela Dorman Books/Viking Year of publication: 2012 Pages: 369 ISBN: 0670026603 Literary Awards: New York Times’ Bestseller, The Reading List Award for Women’s Fiction (2014), Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Fiction (2013). Contemporary literature can hardly give fresh romance anymore, with … [Citeşte mai departe...] despreMe Before You – Jojo Moyes
Poison Study – Maria V. Snyder
First book in the Chronicles of Ixia series. Recipient of the Compton Crook Award and First book nominee at the RITA Awards by Romance Writers of America. Young-adult romance has evolved to be one of the most popular and diversified genres targeting teen audiences at the moment. The question of how it managed to do that still persists, though, despite the amount of time … [Citeşte mai departe...] desprePoison Study – Maria V. Snyder
The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger: The on-going epic of the misunderstood teen
Witty, punchy and inexhaustibly surprising, J. D. Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye” is highly relevant to society up to this day. The American author’s stories about rebellious teenagers struggling to change the world before it would change them might as well take place in the embrace of the 21st century, in a decade in which defining and describing youth is more difficult … [Citeşte mai departe...] despreThe Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger: The on-going epic of the misunderstood teen
Life Lessons from Nietzsche – John Armstrong
John Armstrong on Nietzsche: How Nihilism Has Given Material for Today’s Most Successful Motivational Books Saying ‘no’ to the large range of possibilities constructing the anatomy of your life ultimately proves that you aspire to so much more than the things left at your hands’ reach. You may be better than those who would traditionally accept and appreciate them, or maybe … [Citeşte mai departe...] despreLife Lessons from Nietzsche – John Armstrong
The picture of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde
One of London’s most popular playwrights at the time and a philosophical titan of his generation, Oscar Wilde (1854 – 1900) has bewildered through a bold, yet emotional approach to complex, already established literary themes, as well as through an effervescent and intriguing lifestyle. A constant presence in the city’s fashionable cultural and social circles, Wilde encountered … [Citeşte mai departe...] despreThe picture of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde